Rainfall in India – Current Scenario, Prediction and Harvesting

India is a vast country, in terms of geography, culture and population. Each of them supports each other and hence it becomes a land of unity in diversity. And the strength of Indian economy is agriculture.

Agriculture in India heavily hinges upon the amount of rainfall. This is why farmers and meteorologists are always on a hunt for finding the quantity of rain the land will receive in the rainy season. Monsoon in India is a four- month period (80% of annual rainfall is received in June-September period) when there is a dominance of thunderstorms and it is a most productive wet season. Though, the amount of rainfall varies from heavy to scanty, in different parts of the country. On an average, India experiences average rainfall of about 125 cm but it is unevenly distributed. This causes the flood in some regions, while droughts in other. Both situations are not favourable for the agriculture production.

The climate has adversely changed since last ten years. With the advent of global warming and heavy industrialization, the monsoon season has been noticeably affected. There were years in past when there was unpredicted rainfall before the season which damaged the seasonal crops; there were many instances where due to scanty rainfall during monsoons led to drought conditions and insufficient crop supply. The former is hard to control but the latter situation can be controlled with modern technologies and methods.

Indian Monsoon predictions for 2018 – A good year for farmers

 As per Dr. KJ Ramesh, Director General of Meteorology, IMD (Indian Meteorological Department), “India will not experience a deficient monsoon this year”. According to the predictions, the agricultural sector is set for a boost and so as FMCG, auto, fertilizers, and cement sectors.

It will be a third consecutive year when country’s national weather forecaster has predicted a ‘normal’ monsoon. Although, last year monsoon experienced below normal rains even after prediction. Rainfall between 96% and 104% of LPA (Long Period Average) during the June-September monsoon period is considered normal. For this year, the LPA is forecasted for 97%. IMD’s forecast comes with an error margin of +/-5%.

The forecast suggests maximum probability (42%) for normal monsoon and low probability (14%) for deficient rainfall. This matches with the prediction of a private weather forecaster, Skymet.

Harvesting – a must-to-do task

The year 2009 had the weakest monsoon since 1972 with 40% districts of India suffering from severe drought. It affected production of crops of sugarcane and wheat. It was so devastating that some farmers committed suicide. Between 1995 and 2013, 296,438 farmers committed suicide in the country, according to the report by National Crime Records Bureau.

According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) findings, there was a damage of worth $30 billion sustained by agriculture caused by 78 disasters between 2003 and 2013.

The government tries to support farmers with various relief and compensation schemes. But there is something more that can be done to lessen the stress of water crisis for the farmers. That is Rainwater Harvesting.

It is simply a practice that collects rainwater and stores it for the future use. This practice is especially advantageous in the agriculture sector. The stored water is used for watering the crops and can be a sustainable reserve in times of drought or scarcity. Read more about the rainwater harvesting and how it is done from our other blog article.

Rainwater is a soft and purest water form. Unlike hard water, it does not lead to deposition of calcium carbonate to roots of crop or plants; calcium carbonate makes a non-permeable coating and it becomes harder for roots to absorb water, nutrients, minerals, fertilizers, and pesticides that are supplied to them.

In the agricultural sector, with a support from central government, state government, gram panchayats, and NGOs, various awareness programmes are being commenced for rainwater harvesting. Many monetary schemes were drafted to disperse funds for the construction of harvesting structures on the agricultural farms and fields.


What Chaitanya systems have to offer, this monsoon?

CHAITANYA RAIN HARVEST PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. specializes in a number of rain harvest products and services with its series of product line.

One can reliably visit the company for basic and modern products which would help in rainwater water harvesting methods. The products are:

The company is the sole distributor of most modern filtration systems for rainwater harvesting named as APOLLO Vee-Wire Filter Screen Kit.

Not just products, the company can also be trusted with rainwater harvest services. The services include preparation of rainwater harvesting reports, designing rainwater harvesting layout, designing detailed engineering drawings, conducting hydrogeological and borewell surveys and providing feasibility reports.

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