Rainwater and Rainwater Harvesting – A Useful Summary

The belief in Rain-gods in ancient times, in almost every culture of the world, is the sign of the significance of rain, for the earth. We all are aware of the strength of the rainwater and have learned to respect it in all possible ways. Harnessing the rain with rainwater harvesting systems, or any other Read more about Rainwater and Rainwater Harvesting – A Useful Summary[…]

Chennai Metro Water Rainwater Harvesting Challenge – An Initiative to Make the Existing Rainwater Harvest Structure Functional Again

Water management has always been an agenda at a national level. Increasing population and exploitation of groundwater, has led to the emergence for initiating various methods for conserving water resources and rainwater. Although population increase is the biggest factor in this crisis, someone asserted that our population can also be our strength. The more we Read more about Chennai Metro Water Rainwater Harvesting Challenge – An Initiative to Make the Existing Rainwater Harvest Structure Functional Again[…]

Rainwater Harvesting at Home – Simple, Yet Effective Methods

There is a common saying, “Charity begins at home”. This may look odd, but we can associate this saying with water preservation technique called rainwater harvesting. Imagine the quantity of rainwater we could save if every possible house or building structure in India starts to take rainwater harvesting measures! At least, these households or buildings can preserve a certain percentage of required water quantity, thus lowering some of the pressure over the depleting natural ground water.

The idea is very simple; setup either simple or somewhat sophisticated rainwater harvesting systems in your house or in a building having several apartments, for collecting and storing the water poured down as rain. The care must be taken that the stored water does not contaminate & becomes the ground for breeding diseases. For this purpose, a minor investment is needed on your individual or collective part. […]

Role of the Indian Government in Support of Rainwater Harvesting Initiatives

Rainwater harvesting in India dates back to 1st century when traditional methods of harvesting rainwater in big rocks or manmade structures were in practice. Due to the change in climatic conditions because of human intervention with natural resources, the present civilization in India are facing a scarcity of potable drinking water and quality of water Read more about Role of the Indian Government in Support of Rainwater Harvesting Initiatives[…]

Rainwater Harvesting in India – Save it before you Regret it

The issue of drought and water scarcity can be dated back to ancient times. It is evident from the fact that the construction and use of cisterns to store rainwater was found since Neolithic age – a period 10,200 BC. Water is a lifeline – it was the source of development of the early living Read more about Rainwater Harvesting in India – Save it before you Regret it[…]

Borewell Recharge: An environment friendly initiative

Water resource is being categorised as a renewable energy source, which means, natural water resources can be easily replenished back to nature. But it is rightly said that overdo of anything is bad; the pace with which natural ground water is being used, or rather exploited, it is not returned to the ground with concurrent Read more about Borewell Recharge: An environment friendly initiative[…]

Rainwater Harvesting: The Need of the Hour

Rainwater harvesting has been acclaimed as an exemplary method of water conservation, and is considered to be a “Green Practice”. It involves the collection of rainwater from rooftops or other hard surfaces above the ground level prior to its loss as surface run-off. This method of water conservation indirectly supports the replenishment of groundwater and Read more about Rainwater Harvesting: The Need of the Hour[…]